Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Facts About Badgers

Badgers are small mammals with flat, wedge-shaped bodies, broad feet with long claws and coarse hair that can be black, brown, gold or white. They are related to ferrets, minks, otters, weasels and wolverines. All of these animals are members of Mustelidae, the largest family in the order Carnivora. 

Justice acknowledges that there continues to be a debate about which animals should be considered "true badgers." "Scientists generally agree on three species: the Eurasian badger, the Asian hog badger and the North American badger." 

Including the honey badger in this group is controversial, he wrote, because it is genetically and genealogically distant from the others. However, the honey badger, also called the ratel, is generally still included among "badger-kin." 

Badgers don't usually hibernate, but sometimes they will sleep for a few days or weeks in their dens during the coldest part of winter.

The dachshund was bred to hunt badgers. ...

The badger is the state animal of Wisconsin.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
