Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Facts about Pepsi

Pepsi is a carbonated soft drink produced and manufactured by PepsiCo.

The recipe for the soft drink Pepsi was first developed in the 1880s by Caleb Bradham, a pharmacist and industrialist from New Bern, North Carolina.

The original recipe included sugar, vanilla, oils, spices, African kola nuts and carbonated water.

Bradham said the drink could cure a variety of ailments, including dyspepsia (an upset stomach) and ulcers.

The drink Pepsi was first introduced as “Brad’s Drink” in New Bern, North Carolina, United States, in 1893.

It was originally branded as “exhilarating, invigorating and aiding in digestion”.

It was renamed Pepsi Cola in 1898 after the root of the word “dyspepsia” and the kola nuts used in the recipe.

Than Bradham started a baverage business. He mixed the syrup in house and shipped it in barrels to soda fountain shops where they add the carbonated water.

Pepsi-Cola was a tremendous success in the first four years it was sold, so Bradham closed his drugstore to devote his undivided attention to the production and distribution of the drink.

He also patented the Pepsi-Cola trademark.

Bradham’s neighbor, an artist, designed the first Pepsi logo, and ninety-seven shares of stock for Bradham’s new company were issued.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
