Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

What is space exploration?

Space exploration is sending people or machines into space to visit other planets and objects in space. Mankind has dreamed of visiting the stars for hundreds of years, but it wasn’t until 1969 that the first person walked on the Moon.

Since the first person walked on the Moon, hundreds of satellites have been launched into orbit around the earth, and hundreds of people have been into space on lots of different types of spacecraft. We have also sent machines to investigate objects that are further away in the Solar System.

  • The first person in space was Yuri Gagarin from the Soviet Union, who travelled into orbit around the Earth in 1961.
  • The first man to walk on the Moon was an American called Neil Armstrong in 1969.
  • The Moon is the only place in space apart from Earth that humans have set foot on.
  • People who fly into space are called astronauts. They have to be very careful about what they eat and what exercise they do to stay healthy while they are in space.
  • A spacecraft needs to travel at 11,000 miles per hour to get into orbit around the Earth.
  • Spacecraft use huge rockets to carry them into space.
  • The most famous type of spacecraft was the Space Shuttle. There were five Space Shuttles and one prototype – between them they flew 135 missions into space.
  • Out of billions of people who live on Earth, only 535 have been into Orbit, and only 12 have ever walked on the Moon.
  • The International Space Station is the biggest space station ever built. It can hold a crew of six people.

In 2012 a machine made by NASA called ‘Curiosity’ landed on Mars to see if it could find evidence of any creatures or plants having ever lived there.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
