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Cool Facts About the Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Have you ever heard of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier? Chances are, you’ve probably heard of the name at least a time or two. However, you might not be intimately familiar with the characteristics of this particular breed of dog. Truth is, people often mistake them for other breeds and they get a lot of misconceptions about both them and other breeds of dogs through things other people say or something they read online. In reality, many people learn things about various breeds of dogs, including the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, that just aren’t true. If you really want to know more about the breed, keep reading and find out 20 things about this unique and interesting breed that you might not already know about.

Before you know it, you might be in the market for a Staffordshire Bull Terrier of your very own. One thing is certain, it’s always interesting to learn some of the finer characteristics of different breeds of dogs. This particular breed seems to have a lot of good things going for it, so it makes it a good choice for a lot of people in different types of situations. If you’re still not convinced, continue reading through the list. You might be very surprised at all of the characteristics that are typically found in this breed of dog. By the time you’ve read through the entire list, the thing you’re likely to be most surprised about is that more people don’t own these types of dogs themselves.

Here are 20 cool facts about the Staffordshire Bull Terrier:

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1. They’re not afraid of very much

These dogs have impeccable breeding and they’ve been bred for several generations. As such, only the best dogs were bred from the very early stages. Because one of the positive traits breeders wanted them to have was a relative lack of fear, most Staffordshire Bull Terriers are still not afraid of very much to this day. In fact, it’s a relatively rare occasion that you ever see a dog of this particular breed that seems to be scared of anything. Where most dogs are bothered by certain sounds, strangers, or a whole host of other issues, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier seems to take it all in stride without having a desire to run away or otherwise become upset, especially due to fear.

2. They can hold their own

Again, this goes back to breeding. The dogs are bred to be strong and they still hold that trait, even all these years later. These are animals that are capable of producing an immense amount of power and they’re also capable of running much faster than you might think. While they’re not as fast as a German Shepherd or Greyhound for example, they certainly don’t lack speed. When you add their relatively good speed to their level of tenacity, you can almost bet that if they’re really in the mindset to go after something, whatever it might be, they won’t quit until they’ve accomplished their goal. However, that doesn’t mean that these are dogs that should be considered vicious under most circumstances. It simply means that they’re strong enough to handle themselves if and when the need arises and they don’t have a tendency to back down.

3. They’re extremely muscular

One of the things that makes these dogs so good at virtually everything they do is their muscle tone. They are among some of the most muscular dogs in existence. This was another thing that the dog was bred for and current breeders continue to look for the trait in their dogs. Some people even consider the Staffordshire Bull Terrier to be somewhat muscle-bound. In reality, the more muscular examples of the breed can sometimes look like a bodybuilder on four legs. With that being said, they’re extremely strong, as their entire body is typically composed of muscle with very little body fat whatsoever.

4. They’re powerful dogs

As you might have guessed by now, all of this means that this particular breed of dog is extremely powerful. If they want to, they can go virtually anywhere they choose because no one is going to be capable of holding them back on a leash if that particular dog is very determined to get to a certain location. Fortunately, that’s not usually a problem with these dogs. However, it is worth noting that they’re strong enough to easily knock someone off their feet without even realizing what they’re doing. For this reason, they should usually be handled by someone who is physically fit and has at least a moderate amount of experience working with larger dogs as opposed to someone who has only been exposed to small dogs or someone that is fairly new to working with dogs in general.

5. They’re called staffy for short

You have to admit, Staffordshire Bull Terrier is not exactly a name that rolls off the tongue with relative ease. This seems to be an opinion that is shared by most individuals because it didn’t take very long for the dogs to gain the nickname staffy. Apparently, people got tired of trying to say the entire proper name of the breed. Because of that fact and the fact that there are so many other individual breeds of bull terriers, it was necessary to come up with a unique nickname and this one apparently seemed to fit best. Whatever the reason was, it stuck and that has been the nickname of this breed of dog for several years now.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
