Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 


Q: Why don't they have any toilet paper in KFC? 

A: Because its finger licking good!  

Q: What do a gynocologist and a pizza boy have in common? 

A: They can smell it but they cant eat it!  

Q: How did Burger King get Diary Queen Pregnant? 

A: He forgot to wrap his whopper.  

Q: Where does the one legged waitress work? 

A: The Ihop  

Q: What do you get if you play McDonald's Monopoly 30 Days Straight? 

A: A Heart Attack!! 

Q: Why is your Mom like a Big Mac? 

A: Because she's full of fat and only worth a buck. 

Q: What's thick, white and comes in your burger? 

A: McDonalds' staff. 

Q: What is peter pans favorite place to eat? 

A: I dont know!....WENDYS 

Q: Did you see the Will Smith movie about McDonalds? 

A: It's called the "Pursuit of Happy Meals" 

Q: Why don't Americans eat snails? 

A: Because they like "Fast Food". 

Q: What do you call a pig thief? 

A: A hamburglar. 

Q: What did the hamburger say to the other hamburger in the bathroom? 

A: I musturd! 

Q: How did the burger propose to a fry? 

A: With an onion ring. 

Q: Why did the rooster cross the road to KFC? 

A: To see a chicken strip. 

Q: Why did Five Guys survive the flood? 

A: Because it was built on solid ground beef. 

Q: Why did the chicken go to Burger King?

 A: To see a chicken strip. 

Q: What's better than a talking burrito? 

A: Adele taco. 

Q: Why did the french fry win the race? 

A: Because it was fast food! 

Q: What did Little Caesars say to Wendys? 

A: You'll always have a pizza my heart. 

Q: What Dr Seuss book do they read every morning in Canada? 

A: Tim Hortons Hears a Who.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
