Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

The Pure bred Wirehaired Vizsla

Three red Wirehaired Vizslas are sitting on a concrete surface and they are looking up and to the right. Two of the dogs have darker shorter fur and the dog sitting behind them has longer wavier fur.

The head of the Wirehaired Vizsla is lean and noble. The skull is moderately wide between ears with a median line down the forehead and a moderate stop. The skull is a little longer than muzzle. Muzzle, although tapering, is well squared at the end. The nostrils are well developed, broad and wide. 

Jaws are strong and powerful. Lips cover jaws completely and are neither loose nor pendulous. The colour of the nose is brown. Eyes are neither deep nor prominent, of medium size and are a shade darker than coat. Slightly oval in shape, eyelids fitting tightly. Yellow or black eyes are undesirable. Ears are moderately low set, proportionately long with a thin skin and hanging down close to cheeks. 

Rounded "V" shape, not fleshy. The mouth is sound and has strong white teeth. Jaws are strong with perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Full dentition desirable. The neck is strong, smooth and muscular, moderately long, arched and devoid of dewlap. The shoulders are well laid and muscular, elbows close to body and straight, forearm long, pasterns upright. 

The back level is short, well-muscled, withers high. Chest is moderately broad and deep with prominent breast bone. Distance from withers to lowest part of chest equal to distance from chest to ground. Ribs are well sprung and belly has a slight tuck-up beneath loin. Croup is well muscled. Hindquarters are straight when viewed from rear, thighs well developed with moderate angulation, hocks well let down. The feet are round with toes short, arched and tight. Cat-like foot is required, hare foot undesirable. 

Nails short, strong and a shade darker in color than coat, dewclaws should be removed. The gait/movement is graceful, elegant with a lively trot and ground covering gallop. The tail is moderately thick, rather low set, customarily one-third docked. When moving, carried horizontally. Hair on head short and harsh, longer on muzzle, forming beard. Pronounced eyebrows. Longer and finer on ears. Longer over body, fitting closely to neck and trunk. Short harsh hair fitting closely and smoothly to forelimbs. Coat color is russet gold. Small white marks on chest and feet should not be penalized

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
