Hello lads and ladesses this is Joe lets laugh

Funny Wood Puns

Have you got board of chatting about wood and need a bit of humour to spruce things up? Well these funny puns wood be just the ticket.

1. What sound do dogs make when they catch a stick? Bark bark.

2. Someone went into a bank with a sack full of shredding wood and asked to open a shavings account.

3. What's a lumberjack's favorite thing in the playground? A see-saw.

4. Boats carrying wood need to dock in the arbor.

5. I carved my name into a tree in my garden and my sister said I was being sappy.

6. Wood fired pizza, so now where is pizza going to get a job?

7. My doctor likes to use remedies taken from the forest as part of my tree-tment.

8. If you need to go to the bathroom while you are in a forest, make sure you take advantage of the toilet-trees.

9. Trees get online the same way as humans, they just log in.

10. It doesn't matter to a forest when a bank closes, that's because they have so many branches.

11. The tree was stumped because it couldn't get to the root of the problem.

12. Two trees met for the first time and really hit it off, they hoped it could blossom into a beautiful friendship.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
