Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Timex watches

1. The name was originally Waterbury Clock Company

Timex has a long and rich history. Longer than most people think. That’s partly because its early days didn’t start with the name Timex.

The name of the company was originally Waterbury Clock Company. It was based in Connecticut, USA, and focused on manufacturing affordable pocket watches. At the time, the goal was to compete with their expensive counterparts from Europe, particularly Swiss pocket watches.

2. The first Timex-branded watch was released in 1950

The first watch branded Timex was launched in 1950.  But as discussed in the above fact, it was far from the first watch that the company had produced.

3. The company merged with Ingersoll

At the end of the 19th century, the company merged with Ingersoll, another watch manufacturer. Subsequently, it went on to create the Ingersoll Yankee pocket watch. This timepiece became a huge success due to its price tag of just one dollar. Whilst inflation needs to be taken into account, it was still extremely affordable.

Waterbury manufactured the dollar watch for the Ingersoll company.

4. Timex was on the verge of bankruptcy

Before World War I, the company struggled and was on the verge of bankruptcy. In hindsight, the reason for this is said to have been due to poor management.

5. Timex played a big role in watchmaking during World War I

Whilst the company struggled before World War I, Timex came to play a big role in the manufacturing of watches during that time. Before the 1930s, wristwatches were very uncommon and pocket watches were still dominating the market. The wristwatches that did exist were primarily for women and wristwatches were mainly seen as women’s accessories.

However, this came to change during the war as soldiers saw the benefit of wearing a watch on their wrist rather than having to pick up the pocket watch from their pocket. Just a glance at the wrist allowed them to tell the time and left their hands free, even when they needed to check the time.

Fortunately for the company, Timex managed to enter the wristwatch market and started producing wristwatches, which became highly popular. They began producing wristwatches by modifying their women’s pocket watches, moving the crown, and attaching a strap. Because they could modify an existing watch already in their collection, they were able to meet the rising demand for wristwatches early.

6. Timex entered a partnership with Disney

In 1933, Timex released a watch that would become one of the most successful that the brand had ever created. Entering a collaboration with Disney, Timex started producing a wristwatch with Mickey Mouse which generates millions in sales.

7. The company changed its name during World War II

During World War II, the company changed its name to United States Time Corporation. During this time, the company predominantly sold bomb timers to the US Military. Naturally, the demand for these bomb timers declined as the war ended. This led to the company once again focusing on wristwatches.

In reshaping the brand once more, the company returned to its original ethos, which was to produce affordable, durable, and accurate timepieces for everyone.

8. The Timex name was introduced in 1941

Waterbury was acquired by Thomas Olsen in 1941 and subsequently changed its name to Timex Corp.

9. The name Timex comes from an interesting combination of words

The name Timex comes from combining the words Time and Kleenex, a then-popular magazine Kleenex.

10. Timex watches were the most affordable on the US market in the 1950s

Aligned with the company’s goal and ambition, Timex watches were the most affordable wristwatches in America during the 1950s. Due to their low price, they appealed to everyone and became extremely popular.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
