Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Fascinating Facts About Roosters

Let’s take a look at 5 fascinating facts about roosters that may just have you considering adding these beauties to your backyard flock.

1. Roosters Lead to Self-Sufficiency

Most backyard flock owners are looking for some level of control over the quality of their food whether it be eggs, meat, or both. A rooster gives you control over the destiny of your flock and ultimately your food. No longer are you dependent on ordering day-old chicks or hatching eggs. If you’ve got an incubator, or even better, a broody hen, then you can expand your flock as it suits your needs. Remember that about half of the eggs you hatch will be roosters, so each hatch can bring some new layers along with meat for the freezer.

2. Rooster Combs, Wattles, and Feathers are Pretty with a Purpose

When we humans look for a mate, there are qualities we tend to look for. It’s different for every person; arms, abs, you name it. But at the root of this, is our base instinct to find a mate that will provide strong offspring. Looks help to guide us and it’s the same with chickens. Hens tend to favor roosters with a large red comb with tall points. Evenly formed wattles and long spurs are also must-haves. Long, shiny, and colorful hackle and saddle feathers are used as a rooster puffs up and displays for a hen. These are all outward signs that a rooster is healthy and will provide healthy offspring. It’s all about genetic destiny for both hens and roosters. Outward appearance provides that glimpse into the future.

3. Roosters are Protectors

If you have a flock that free ranges, a rooster can be the ticket to safety for your hens. Remember genetic destiny. That comes into play here too. A rooster wants to live on through his offspring. You don’t have offspring if you don’t have a group of hens that are safe. A good rooster will take this duty seriously and keep an eye out at all times for trouble. It’s not unusual to observe a rooster busily pecking while tilting an eye up to the sky or scanning the perimeter. If he spots something, a rooster warns the flock with a series of low noises. This tells the rest to stay close to him and remain vigilant. If the danger doesn’t pass, he will quickly sound the alarm by squawking loudly and gathering his flock in a safe area to hold them there until the danger passes. If needed, a rooster will attack a predator to keep it away. This is appropriate aggressive rooster behaviour. But sadly, there are stories of roosters being injured and even losing their lives as they’ve defended their flocks.

4. You Can Have More Than One Rooster

Yes, roosters can live with other roosters. In fact, some people set up bachelor pad coops devoted entirely to their roosters. It is easier to keep more than one rooster if they are all raised together from a young age or you introduce new roosters while you introduce new hens. Some folks also have success introducing adult roosters. Just remember, roosters will establish a pecking order as they learn how to get along and be prepared because some may never get along.

5. Roosters Have Hardy Sperm

The normal body temperature of a chicken is between 105 degrees and 107 degrees. Roosters do not have a penis. A rooster’s sperm is produced and carried inside his body and stays viable at body temperature. Once a rooster has mated, his sperm can stay viable inside a hen’s body for up to two weeks.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking


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