Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

The Secret Lives of Badgers, Whose Hair Belongs on Their Bodies

Although badgers are very social, they live mostly secret lives in underground homes and are nocturnal, emerging at night to forage for food and play with their brothers and sisters. These furry mammals are beloved around the world, from the “Badger State” of Wisconsin to the U.K., where it’s illegal to harm or kill them.

Badgers belong with their families in burrows. On fur factory farms, these social animals are deprived of the opportunity to dig, choose mates, or do anything else that would make their lives worth living. In the badger-hair industry, animals are caged and kept in filthy conditions before workers beat them and slit their throats. After reading these facts about badgers, please take action to save their lives.

Fascinating Facts About Badgers

1. Just like humans, badgers live in homes with their families and love spending time with relatives. They have a strong sense of community with their immediate family.

2. Badgers’ keen sense of smell is about 800 times sharper than our own.

3. Perhaps because of their powerful noses, badgers keep their homes in tip-top shape by creating a latrine pit as a bathroom. They won’t defecate in their homes, instead making a pit out of dried grass and leaves just outside their burrow.

4. Badgers use grass for another reason, too: as bedding. They love to get cozy in their homes. They change their bedding daily, disposing of old leaves outside and bringing in a fresh new bundle to sleep on.

5. Some badger homes are over 100 years old and are passed down to future generations. These underground burrows, known as “setts,” have up to 40 entrances and many meters of tunnels.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking


  1. A wise man once said ‘there aren’t any badgers in Spain!’


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