Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Interesting Facts about Guacamayas (Macaws)

We are so thrilled you are here to learn about macaws or, as they are referred to within the Mayan culture, Guacamayas. While you may not know exactly what they are called, when you see a macaw, they are unmistakable. Part of the parrot family, these birds are truly magnificent, and we are excited to tell you these 10 interesting facts about what makes them so special. 

If you want to learn even more about macaws, why not come to Puerto Vallarta to meet them for yourself? Our Vallarta Adventures tour guides would love to help you shake tail feathers with these playful parrots during your next vacation.

1. Macaws are one of the world’s most colorful birds

A macaw’s unique appearance is akin to a human fingerprint. Ranging in color from the brightest red through to turquoise, yellow and bright indigo, these birds are a sight to be seen. What’s amazing is that each bird’s coloring is distinct to where they live and their vibrant colors actually blend quite well with the Amazon’s rain

2. Macaws fall in love and stay that way

Unlike the vast majority of animals, once macaws find a mate, they tend to stay together for the rest of their lives. They raise their babies together, groom one another and can be seen flying so close to one another it’s as if they are holding hands…we mean, wings.

3. While macaws range drastically, in terms of size, they are the world’s largest parrots

There are more than 350 types of parrots and macaws are the largest of them all. Weighing up to four-ish pounds with lengths of more than three feet, macaws are extremely sizable for birds. Not to mention their gorgeous wings can span up to five feet – or 60 inches.

4. Macaws can live for a long time

By animal kingdom standards, macaws are a long-lived bird. While living in the wild, their average lifespan is around 60 years. However, under the right conditions, they can live up to 100 years. Domesticated macaws often have to be put in their owner’s will because they may outlive them!

5. They can mimic human speech

Not to be confused with talking per say, but macaws are celebrated worldwide for their ability to copy their human counterparts. These amazing creatures can be taught words and encouraged to practice until they can repeat them perfectly. Even wild macaws use very specific clicks to communicate with one another, and they are very advanced in terms of their vocal learning centre.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
