Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Dragon Fruit

What Am I?

We call this plant a fruit, but dragon fruit is actually considered a

cactus. They have scaly skin that can be pink or yellow, while the

inside flesh may be red or white with tiny, black seeds. It has a crunchy

texture and sweet flavour like a kiwi or pear.

How Do I Grow?

• Dragon fruit is currently grown in Asia, Mexico, Central America, South America and Israel.

• Dragon fruit buds form on a cactus vines and are ready to harvest when their flesh is yellow or pink.


Dragon fruit is high in lycopene, which can lower risks of heart disease and

cancer. It is also high in vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants.

Fun Facts

• The dragon fruit was once thought to be the last thing that comes out of a fire-breathing dragon’s mouth.

• The skin should not be eaten on dragon fruit.

• There are several varieties of dragon fruit varying in taste, sweetness, skin color and flesh texture. 

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
