Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Silken Windsprite

The Silken Windsprite, sometimes also known as Longhaired Whippet, originates in the United States of America. First breedings of this new dog breed took place in the years 1955 - 1975 in the Whippet Kennel Windsprite of the US-American dog breeder Walter A. Wheeler Jr. 

The Longhaired Whippets were not recognised as an independent breed by the American Whippet Club (AWC), nor by the American Kennel Club, (AKC), the largest umbrella organisation of purebred dog breeders in the USA, but were classified as hybrids. Also on the part of the largest cynological umbrella organisation FCI a recognition as pedigree dog was refused. 

In 1986, Walter A. Wheeler Jr. founded the Longhaired Whippet Association (LWA) and published his own standard for Longhaired Whippets. Years later, in 2001, the International Longhaired Whippet Club (ILWC) was officially founded, whose standard differs only slightly from the former standard of the LWA. 

The first breeding in Germany took place in 2002 and at the same time the Silken Windsprite Club (SWC) was founded, which named the dog breed "Silken Windsprite". The "Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen" (VDH) has nationally recognised the Silken Windsprite as a pedigree dog.

Characteristic for this breed is their friendliness towards humans but also towards other dogs. The Silken Windsprite is a very peaceful dog with a friendly and balanced character, which hardly ever shows aggression. They can act a little bit distant towards strangers or maybe even show disinterest, but this should not be confused with fear. 

The Silken Windsprite is an obedient dog, suitable for everyday use and is easy to lead. Although very eager to move, it behaves rather quietly in the apartment. They like to sleep, preferably also in the bed of their human friend. Their true temperament only shows when they run free. On sufficiently large terrain they love to run around with other dogs or chase each one another. Let's see who can keep up the speed of up to 50 km/h.

Attitude and training

Since the blood of greyhounds also flows into the Silken Windsprite, they find great pleasure doing exercise and sports activities.

The dogs have a distinct social character, are very people-oriented and need to be incorporated into a family. They also like to be kept in packs of two or more dogs, which also suits their social nature. Furthermore, they are extremely adaptable to family life and don't mind having a routine. On the contrary, they do not like constantly changing procedures and restlessness.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
