Hello maties and since its spring we are going to have a laugh about 


  • What falls, but never needs a bandage? The rain.
  • What goes up when the rain comes down? Umbrellas!
  • What type of a bow can't be tied or untied? A rainbow.
  • I tried to catch the fog, but I mist.
  • What did the dirt say to the rain? If you keep this up, my name will be mud!
  • What do bees wear in the rain? Their yellow jackets.
  • How does the sun listen to its favorite music? On the ray-dio.
  • Been washing my trampoline. Seemed time to do some spring cleaning.
  • If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims.
  • What do clouds wear during spring rain showers? Thunderwear.
  • What animal runs the fastest during spring storms? Cheetahs, because they move at lightning speeds.
  • How can you tell the weather's warming up? There's a spring in people's step.
  • What do you call it when it rains turkeys and chickens? Fowl weather.
  • How can you make the sky prettier? With a rainbow.
  • How did the cake get wet? It got sprinkled.
  • What is a king's favorite kind of weather? Reign-y!
  • What do you call a deer who enjoys playing in the rain? A reindeer.
  • What kind of bow looks best when it's wet? A rainbow.

And as always have a chilled day from big Joe
