Hello ladies and gents this is Dino Lou talking about 


Apatosaurus used to be Brontosaurus. Palaeontologist's thought they found two different dinosaurs but only when looking at the whole skeleton and using Modern technology to look at the DNA
 genes that they confirmed it was the same dinosaur, so they changed the name.

Apatosaurus is the largest animal of all time! Weighing in at 45 tons! From head to tail it got to a whopping 75 feet!

 And stood 15 feet tall! Once they got over 20 tones(that’s 3 African elephants) they had no predator enemies and became untouchable from carnivores like Allosaurus! But they were born only 11 feet long and 2 feet tall! In deep forests where they were safe until big enough to join the migrating herds!

Apatosaurus lived about 152 to 151 million years ago in what we call Colorado, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Utah in the United States.

Its tail could break the sound barrier! Like the Ankylosaurus its tail was its main weapon, but it didn’t have a club it tail was like a massive whip! When used it could break bones and be heard over miles away! Some palaeontologists believe it is used in a mating display not just as a weapon.

At one point we thought they lived in swamps and round lakes as if its nose being into if it’s eyes but only now looking at where they are found and comparing it to what the map looked like then, they moved about on dry land and walked thousands of miles to feed their bulky bodies. 

Apatosaurus ate stones to help their digestive system as they had chisel teeth they ate their vegetation whole, a massive 880 pounds every day that’s the same as eating a grand piano.

And as always have a chilled day from Dino Lou
