Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Incredible Iguazu Falls Facts

The IguazĂș Falls are one of the world’s most awe-inspiring natural sights, with visitors spellbound by its vast scale, thunderous sound, and soaking spray. Nestled between two national parks and the countries of Brazil and Argentina, this horseshoe-shaped chain of hundreds of cascading waterfalls is an incredible spectacle with some equally incredible and interesting facts.

1. It’s an Official Wonder of Nature

The votes are in: the Iguazu Falls, having already been a UNESCO World Heritage Site have won their place among the great natural wonders of the world, following a worldwide poll in 2011 taking into account more than 500 million votes.

2. The number of waterfalls varies during the year

Spread-eagled along the Argentine-Brazil border, Iguazu normally boasts around 275 separate falls, however, this number can vary between 150 and 300 dependent upon the season and water levels.

3. It draws millions of tourists every year

One could easily spend a few days absorbing this awe-inspiring spectacle and the stunning side trips … and many do, with over a million people visiting the Iguazu National Park every year, the record currently at 1.9 million set in 2018.

4. Its original name is “Big Water”

Iguazu Falls translate from the native Guarani for ‘big water’ – not surprising given the awesome sight as tonnes of water throw themselves over cliffs, and the mist rises into the jungle.

5. They are taller than Niagara and wider than Victoria Falls

They are taller than Niagara Falls (and four times as wide) which led Eleanor Roosevelt to exclaim on her first sight of them: “Poor Niagara!”. Technically Iguazu is wider than Victoria Falls too, however, because it is split into numerous distinct individual falls, Victoria Falls has the claim to the largest single curtain of falling water.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
