Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Incredible Pistol Shrimp Facts

Almost as hot as the sun’s surface: The pistol shrimp’s claws “shoot” small bubbles that produce incredible amounts of energy. In fact, they can reportedly reach temperatures of nearly 4,800 degrees Celsius! That’s only slightly less than the sun’s surface temperature of 5,600 Celsius. However, while this temperature spike is extreme, it’s also confined to a very small area.

Pistol shrimp can regenerate their claws: The loud snapping noise pistol shrimp produce is their primary means of hunting prey, but what happens if they lose a claw? Amazingly, when pistol shrimp lose their snapping claw, their smaller claw will grow in size to replace it. The lost claw will then regenerate into a smaller claw, effectively “switching” which side their oversized snapping claw is on!

Nature’s jackhammer: Some pistol shrimp species use the force produced by their claw’s snap to chisel into rock faces and create dwellings.

A “natural celebrity”: The pistol shrimp was recently featured in Netflix’s Project Power. The film’s main character — played by Jamie Foxx — inherits the powers of a pistol shrimp. Netflix reports the movie has been streamed more than 75 million times, and its success has attracted growing interest in pistol shrimps.

218 decibels: The bubbles pistol shrimp produce can reach up to 218 decibels. Just how loud is that? Decibels rise exponentially. That means a 120-decibel rock concert is a million times louder than a 60-decibel conversation. The 218 decibels a pistol shrimp produce are even louder than a fighter jet taking off! The graphic below demonstrates how truly off-the-scale the sound of the pistol shrimp’s snapping is!

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
