Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Paraguay Independence Day 2023

Today’s annual Doodle celebrates Paraguay Independence Day! On this day in 1811, supporters of Paraguayan independence rallied at the country’s capital in Asunción and demanded freedom.

The occupying party agreed to this demand and was met with cheers of joy from the assembled crowd. The Paraguayan national flag, like the one waving in today’s artwork, was raised and accompanied by a 21-gun salute. A year later on November 25th, the country’s Congress formally declared independence.

On Independence Day, those across the country celebrate the occasion with parades, concerts, and fireworks shows. Traditional delicacies like Sopa Paraguaya (sponge cake made with corn flour, cheese, onions, and other ingredients) and Maté (a caffeinated herbal drink) are staples during this national holiday.

Happy Independence Day, Paraguay and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
