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Everything You Didn’t Know About Boiled Sweets

Ah, hard boiled sweets! They are a timeless British classic, but what do you really know about these delicious, fruity treats? From their origin to what they’re made from, we uncover some fascinating facts behind Britain’s tastiest sweets! Read on to find out what they are, who invented them, and whether they really are good for you!

What are British boiled sweets?

To put it simply, they are one of the finest British inventions known to man. But, if you want a more detailed answer, boiled sweets are hard sweets made from a simple yet magical process of boiling syrup!

Many hard-boiled sweets are made from sugar-based syrups, such as sucrose, glucose, or fructose, but there are also sugar-free versions too. Once the syrup has been boiled to a temperature of 160°C (320°F), it is usually mixed with a couple of extra ingredients like citric acid, food dye, and flavourings. Then, it is poured into a mould or tray to cool, before being sculpted to the desired shape. By the time it is cooled to room temperature, the syrup is hard and brittle and ready to eat!

Who invented boiled sweets?

Unfortunately, we cannot say for certain who invented boiled sweets. However, this process has been dated back to as early as 1820. It is said that they were created as a cheap alternative to ‘crystallised fruits’ which were a very popular choice in the early 1800’s.

One thing we do know is that rock, the staple seaside confectionary, was invented in Morecambe in the 1830s. And yes, that is with the words running through the middle of the stick!

Cough drops on the other hand, a type of hard-boiled candy said to have medicinal qualities, have been dated back to 1852. However, sweets being used to soothe the throat can be dated back to 1000 BC in Egypt! Apparently, it was in Egypt’s Twentieth Dynasty that they were crafted from honey, citrus, herbs, and spices.

Are boiled sweets good for you?

Ah yes, the age-old question; are boiled sweets really good for you? In a nutshell – yes! As long as they are eaten in moderation, similar to almost anything edible really.

Putting medicine into a sweet, boiled candy vessel has been popular throughout history, so it’s no wonder that these sweets are associated with good health! In fact, many apothecaries would use boiled sugar sweets to make their medicines taste better.

Nowadays, it’s quite common to see medicated boiled sweets in the form of cough drops and lozenges, created specifically to soothe sore throats and temporarily stop coughs. These can include medicinal ingredients such as benzocaine or eucalyptus oil to name just a couple.

So, there you have it, everything you didn’t know about boiled sweets! Which fact was your favourite? If you’re now left craving candy like we are, why not check out our fantastic collection of classic boiled sweets? From soothing honey and lemon to fiery spicy ginger, we have something for everyone!
