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Fun facts about Suffolk

Nestled on England's stunning East Anglian coast, Suffolk beckons with its picturesque landscapes, charming villages, and rich historical heritage. This captivating county has so much to offer, from its enchanting coastline to its vibrant cultural scene. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, a history buff, or simply seeking a tranquil retreat, these fun facts will undoubtedly ignite your wanderlust and leave you yearning to explore every corner of this remarkable county. Here’s some fun facts you need to know.

1.Britain’s smallest pub is in Bury St Edmunds

“Size matters not!” said Yoda and he knew a pearl of wisdom when he juxtaposed it. The Nutshell pub, at just 15ft by 7ft, opened its doors in 1867, having previously been a fruit shop. Come for the ickle-ness, stay for the weird Mummified Cat that they have on display (for some reason).

2. Go East young man

Lowestoft is home to the most easterly point in the UK - with “Ness Point” the first place to view the sunrise in the entire country. How romantic is that? A circular plaque displaying distances to other major cities across Europe (and in Britain) marks the spot. And here’s some bonus trivia: in 2005, “Gulliver” – that’s the UK’s largest wind turbine – was built here.

3.Operation Winkle

In a display of Winkle picking to shame us all, Dean Gould of Felixstowe created a world record for the fastest Winkle picker in 1997 when he picked 50 shells in 1 minute 22.34 seconds. And that’s a record that has yet to be broken, over 20 years on. What have we been doing with our time?

It might also be worth noting that Dean holds records in flipping/catching the most number of 10p coins on his elbow, eating the most sweetcorn kernels (113 in 3 mins) with a cocktail stick and flipping beer mats (800 times in 40.01 seconds). Clearly, the man is a Suffolk legend.

4.Pond Life

Suffolk and Cheshire have the highest densities of ponds in the UK. If this isn’t a fact that you want to know, then I really can’t help you.


Jane Taylor, a young poet, wrote perennial bedtime favourite “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” at her residence in Shilling Street, in Lavenham in 1806. If nothing else, my 3 year old daughter thanks you for it.
