This is Joe have a laugh

Fly Jokes

Customer: Waiter, What is this fly doing in my soup?

Waiter: Swimming, sir!

A fly is a species that gets in through the smallest hole in the room but can’t get out through an open window!

What did the bug say to its friends when it looked at its watch?

Time Flies.

How many flies does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Two, but I don’t know how they got in there.

How does the fly keep a track of its money?

It uses an account-ant!

What do you call a housefly and spider pals?

Pest friends!

What do you call an insect that can lay bricks?

A housefly!

What did the frog order at McDonald’s?

French flies and a diet groak!

What do you call a fly riding in the Grand National?

A horse fly!

The fly landed and started telling jokes.

I wanted to stop him but he was on a roll!

What kind of fly sounds croaky when it speaks?

A hoarse fly!

What do you call a fly that has died?

A flew.

Why was the fly looking for the rubbish bin?

It was a litter bug!

The life expectancy of housefly is generally 15 to 30 days.

It spends most of it trolling you!

What did the fly’s mum say to its grumpy child?

What’s bugging you?

Which insect has the safest flight?

A stable fly.

How did the police get rid of the flies?

They called in the SWAT team!

What did the firefly say to the other firefly?

You glow, girlfriend!

And as always laugh more you moron
