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Facts about Palermo

Sicily, the island on the southwestern tip of the Italian ‘boot’, is one of the most vibrant locations you can visit in the country! There is such a wide range of cultures that can be felt through this historic location through its stunning historic architecture and unique traditions and values. It is also a location with stunning climate and some of the best beaches in the whole of Italy.

While many locations across this region are worth visiting, one of the most popular remains the island’s capital, Palermo. With its unique Arabian heritage, a visit to this city is unlike any other in Italy. Here, we take a look at some of the more interesting facts regarding this beautiful city, giving an insight into the uniqueness of this location.

Palermo is One of Italy’s Most Populous Cities

Sicily is the largest island in the Meditteranean Sea, and Palermo is its capital. With an estimated population of over 650,000, it is the sixth most populated city in Italy. That being said, its population is a long way behind the two leaders Rome (2.9m) and Milan (1.4m). Palermo is also the most populated city south of Naples, which has a population of nearly one million.

Palermo is Surrounded by a Mountain Range

Forming an almost natural harbour for the ancient port, the area of Palermo is surrounded by a small mountain range named after the city itself. Some of the mountains even divide parts of the city as it has expanded over the years.

The range forms part of the Madonie Mountains which stretch across most of Northern Sicily. The most iconic of these is Monte Pellegrino – sat on the bay of Palermo, it boasts remarkable views of the city and the sea, while also being home to the famous Saint Rosalia.

Palermo is One of the Warmest Cities in Europe

Thanks to its southerly location and local climate systems, including its close proximity to Africa, the area of Palermo receives some of the best weather in the whole of Europe! Its summers are long, hot and dry, with temperatures remaining largely in the 20s from May until October. Palermo experiences over 2,500 hours of sunshine every year, with almost no rainfall during the summer months.

Palermo’s Port is One of the Biggest in the Meditteranean

A historic port city, Palermo still relies heavily on its connections via the water. The Port of Palermo dates back to over 2,700 years ago and nowadays serves over two million passengers and around five million tonnes of cargo every year.

Palermo’s History Involves Many Civilisations

As previously mentioned, the history of Palermo is one of the most unique and varied of any major Italian city. Prehistoric settlements in the area are said to date back to 8000BC, with the first significant civilisation being the Phoenicians. Over the following centuries, Ancient Greeks, Romans and Byzantines would all lay claim to the city, leaving their mark through unique buildings. However, the biggest impact on the area was made by the Arabian civilisation who made it the capital of a Sicilian Emirate. Palermo remained under their control for over 100 years, during which the city rivalled Cairo in its cultural importance. This period can be felt throughout the city, from its unique architecture to its bustling bazaars.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
