Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Things You Need To Know Before Eating Rotisserie Chicken

1. They're made to be addictive.

People like to joke that these perfectly seasoned roasts are addictive—and that's not my mistake. Most rotisserie chickens are pre-seasoned in factories and then shipped to supermarkets, where they're skewered and cooked. Sometimes, they're even flavored with MSG and sugar, and "natural flavors."

2. It's John Legend's go-to meal.

The Grammy-winning singer told US Weekly that he eats half a rotisserie chicken before every show.

3. They're more expensive than roasting chicken yourself.

Though they're super appealing and have saved many last-minute dinners, rotisserie chickens from the deli will set you back more than roasting a bird in the oven at home.

4. It makes the best chicken salad.

Slow-roasted meat is easy to cut and/or shred for chicken salad. Plus, it's super flavorful and can stand up to all the other ingredients you'll toss with it.

5. Costco sells them better than anything else.

Every single day the company sells over 157,000 birds—probably because of the $4.99 price point. This dinner is so popular it even has

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
