Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Super Silly Pig Puns and Jokes

1. Did you hear about the piglets who wanted to do something special for Mother’s Day?

They threw a sowprize party.

2. What do you call a laundromat for pigs?


3. I saw a pig with laryngitis.

He was disgruntled.

4. What do you call a pig thief?

A hamburglar.

5. Why should you never rob a bank with a pig?

They always squeal.

6. How do pigs get to the hospital?

In ham-bulances.

7. How do pigs write top-secret messages?

With invisible oink!

8. Why do pigs make awful football players?

They don’t like playing with the “pig skin.”

9. Why are pigs awful basketball players?

They hog the ball.

10. What do you get when you cross a pig and a cactus?

A porky-pine.

11. Why did the piglet yell at his sibling at the dinner table?

She was hogging the food.

12. Walking through the farm and a group of pigs jumped out of a tree on me.

It was a hambush.

13. What do you call a Spanish pig?


14. What kind of work do pigs do after school?


15. What do you get when you cross a pig with a centipede?

Bacon and Legs.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
