All right all get your laughter hole ready its time for a laugh


Why did the hunter miss his mark? He was not aiming deerectly for it. 

What do deers call hunters? Doe foes. 

What is a hunters favorite game? Duck Duck Goose. 

What do you call a dumb omnivore? A meathead! 

Why is bambi afraid of Christopher Walken? Because he's a "Deer Hunter". 

What is the Native American word for vegetarian? "Poor hunter!" 

Did you hear about the Robertsons new movie? It's a Duck-umentary! 

What did the deer tell the hunter? Buck Off! 

What do you call a hunter who can't stop duck hunting? A quackhead. 

What do you call the day when you can get amazing deals at Cabela's? Buck Friday. 

What do you get a hunter for his birthday? A birthday pheasant. 

What's the cheapest type of meat? Dear balls, they're under a buck.
