Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

5 little known facts about the garden hoe

There’s your hoe out in the sun

Where you left a row half done.

You claim that hoein’ ain’t no fun.

You ain’t got no ambition.

– Bing Crosby

In the famous song Gone Fishin’ by Bing Crosby and Louis Armstrong, hoein’ doesn’t get very good publicity.

This long reach hoe is not only great because of it’s extended length that allows you to stand up straight. It also features the specially designed and extremely ergonomic handle that is positioned at a right angle to get rid of wrist strain for good.

What’s more is the fact that when you use it with the PETA Easi-Grip Arm Support Cuff, you’ll be kicking arthritis pain to the curb and making up for any muscle weakness due to a disability.

That’s right, the garden hoe is back and here to stay. Human civilization has included this basic device since the dawn of mankind, and a little market research shows it’s still going strong. Top gardening websites and how-tos still promote strategic use of the hoe to keep weed growth at bay.

In celebration of this age-old tool, here are five interesting facts about the hoe:

1. The hoe should be used in sweeping motions.

The point of hoeing is literally just to scratch the service of the soil, going no more than two or three inches deep. Practice the broom sweeping motion, or alternatively, think of it like dancing in the ballroom!

2. The hoe is an ancient tool, older than the plow.

According to Wikipedia, the hoe is one of the most ancient tools and came before the plow. It’s mentioned in Egyptian art, the Code of Hammurabi and even in the Bible!

3. Short-handled hoes are illegal in California.

You could really use our long-handled hoe if you live in California, because in the Golden State, short-handled hoes are illegal! In all fairness, the law only affects farm owners and actually protects workers from unsafe conditions.

4. Hoes are popular among archeologists. (Including backyard archeologists!)

Also according to Wikipedia, archeologists use hoes more than shorter-handled tools that were once common in this field. You might not know an archeologist, but don’t forget the great things you or your children might find in the back yard, such as arrow heads or gold jewelry!

5. Garden hoes were highly guarded in colonial America.

In the American colonies during revolutionary times, hoes and other garden tools were so important they were often reported missing in newspapers, like The Pennsylvania Gazette established by Benjamin Franklin.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
