Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Origin of Teriyaki: How it Become A Phenomenal Dish

Teriyaki Chicken is Classic Fusion

Japanese cuisine is one of the most famous cuisines around the world, this is thanks to immigrants as they spread worldwide. Japanese flavors have gained in popularity and remain a favorite in many countries around the world.

For instance, many set out to replicate some of the more traditional Japanese dishes. As outsiders did their best to recreate these tasty foods, they added in their own unique cultural flair. This is considered fusion as these dishes resemble the original but incorporate flavors and cooking methods that are not considered traditional. These fusion-style dishes are generally what you will find in a modern Japanese and Asian kitchen.

One thing that remains constant among all of these variations is teriyaki sauce. This sweet, dark sauce was actually not created in Japan. This fact surprises many who have grown associating teriyaki with some of their favorite Japanese dishes, like teriyaki chicken.

But how did the origin of teriyaki come about?

The origin of teriyaki is believed to have actually come from America. Researchers have found that the first teriyaki sauce ever made was in Hawaii thanks to the Japanese people that immigrated there.

Later on, as we continue the story of the origin of teriyaki, we notice the recipe underwent a few changes back on the U.S. mainland and became the sauce we generally know today.

Most teriyakis consist of sake, ginger, soy sauce, and sugar. The traditional uses of this sauce include using it as a marinade or as a dipping sauce for sushi. 

As the origin of teriyaki used as a sauce is not found in Japan, we can trace the meaning of the word “teriyaki” back to the Japanese. Teriyaki actually comes from two words, teri which means “shine” and yaki means “grill”.

The word teriyaki is used in Japan to describe a cooking method. Teriyaki is usually used for preparing dishes which include fish. It is said that as the fish cooks on the grill the fish shines, thus the name “shine grill”.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
