Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

France Gall's 76th Birthday

Today’s video Doodle, illustrated by Paris-based guest artist Mathilde Loubes, celebrates French singer France Gall, who entered the Yé-yé scene at 16 and remained a prominent singer. On this day in 1947, she was born in Paris with the name Isabelle.

Growing up in a family of lyricists, composers, choir founders, and singers, it is no surprise that Gall pursued a musical career. She was playing guitar and piano in her adolescence, and by 15, she signed with a music publisher under her father’s guidance. She released her debut single Ne Sois Pas Si Bête (Don’t Be so Silly) under the pseudonym France Gall, which played on the radio for the first time on her 16th birthday. 

In 1965, Gall represented Luxembourg at the international song contest Eurovision. Her upbeat performance of Poupée De Cire, Poupée De Son (Wax Doll, Sound Doll) earned her first prize and is considered the first pop song to win the contest. By this point, the young Gall was considered a major figure in the Yé-yé movement; she was voted France’s number one female pop star the following year which coincided with a successful international career. 

Gall worked with several composers and songwriters over the years, notably Michel Berger, whom she would marry in 1976. Some of their most famous collaborations are Évidemment (Evidently), La Déclaration D'amour (Declaration of Love), and Mon Fils Rira du Rock 'n' Roll (My Son Will Laugh At Rock'N'Roll). In 1979 she performed live and starred in the rock opera Starmania which her husband wrote the music for.

In the 80s, France Gall released four albums: Paris, France, Tout Pour la Musique, Débranche!, and Babacar. Many of her songs topped the charts like Ella, elle l'a (Ella's She’s Got It) and Il Jouait Du Piano Debout (He Played Piano Standing) — which is featured in today’s Doodle! France collaborated on two duets with English artist Sir Elton John at his request during this period. Somehow, she still made time to do philanthropic work. Over the years, she organized food drives, held fundraisers, and donated proceeds from some of her songs as well as doing work directly on the ground for causes she supported.

During her 50+ year career, Gall made her mark on an international music competition, released over 15 albums,  performed in sold-out venues over 3 continents and co-authored the musical Résiste. In 2001, the documentary France Gall par France Gall immortalized the pop performer’s life and career.

Happy birthday to this French music iconand as always have a chilled day from the Viking
