Hello ladies and gents this si the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 


PlayStation Jokes

Why won’t Mike Tyson play on a PlayStation?

He’s an ex-boxer!

Did you know that Sony is making a cat-friendly PlayStation?

It’s called the PSpspspsps.

I got a PS5 for Christmas.

My neighbors haven’t even noticed it’s missing yet.

There are two reasons why I don’t let my wife use my PS4.

1) I don’t have a PS4 and 2) I don’t have a wife.

What do Americans do after winning the World Cup?

Turn off the PlayStation.

Why do gamers turn to their PlayStations after a break-up?

They need to be consoled.

What’s the difference between a Nickelback album and a PlayStation Vita?

You can actually play the Nickelback album.

What do you get when you toss your PlayStation’s packaging in the trash compactor?

An ex-box.

A wife walks in on her husband playing on his PlayStation.

“The house is still filthy. I thought I asked you to sweep the house!” she exclaims.

“I did,” replied the husband. “I found no hostiles.”

So, a guy buys a PlayStation and starts an EA game…

Pay just $9.99 to unlock the rest of this joke!

Xbox Jokes

Why did the Xbox gamer cross the street?

To render the buildings.

What’s the difference between Xbox One and your mother?

I genuinely care about your mother.

The Xbox One X is Microsoft’s new console.

The short of that is XBOX, they’ve now come full circle, or 360.

Yesterday I got an Xbox for my little brother.

Best trade ever!

Why does no one own an Xbox in Pennsylvania?

Because it’s always Sony in Philadelphia!

What game is in Schrodinger’s Xbox?

“Dead or Alive.”

Xbox was struggling…

But they really turned it around with the 360.

Why did the Xbox One eat its cereal for breakfast, but not its pancakes?

It had the spoon, but not the 4k.

Have you heard about the device that automatically swaps out Xbox discs for you?

It’s a game-changer.

My new girlfriend wants to fight my ex, but I told her that would be a bad idea.

Because my Xbox.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
