Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

South Korea Facts 

With the influx of Korean culture spreading across the world, Korea is an exciting new country to explore! With its emerging entertainment industry, stunning scenery and deep cultural history, it is a perfect time to learn Korean. If you are planning to learn Korean abroad or just want to discover more about the country for an upcoming visit, these Korea facts we have researched and compiled are perfect to start your journey with.

1. Born at 1

Unlike other countries around the world, in Korea, when a baby is born, they are classed as being 1 years old. All birthdays are celebrated on the 1st January each year and every person becomes a year older.

This can be confusing when speaking to a native Korean as their true age may be in fact a year younger. For those born on 31st December, they will automatically become 2 years old the following day. Confusing, huh? 

2. Blood Matters

While most people will ask about jobs, birthplace or hobbies when first meeting someone, in Korea don’t be surprised if you are asked your blood type!

In Korea, it is believed that your blood type is intrinsically linked to the type of person you are. It is therefore very common for the subject to come up in conversation very early on in a meeting with natives.

3. Facial Hair

The popularity of facial hair in western countries has increased over recent decades. In Korea however, facial hair is deemed as a sign that the person is dirty, poor and uncaring about their appearance.

This isn’t necessarily the case with visitors or tourists, but very much so amongst the local population. 

4. 3,400 Islands

Korea is actually made up of 3,400 separate islands! While this is an impressive figure, some of these islands are incredibly small. In fact, only 473 of these islands are actually inhabited.

Each of the islands however have something different to offer, so island hopping is highly recommend for those visiting the country! 

5. K-Pop Sensations

Over the last decade the popularity of Korean music has spread across the globe! Boyband BTS are considered to be the most popular group in the world, with millions of fans across all continents.

This influx of Korean pop music, or K-Pop, has also introduced other countries to other forms of Korean entertainment. Films such as Parasite and the Netflix hit Squid Game have taken the world by storm, winning multiple awards across the world.

6. Getting Online

Korea has one of the fastest average internet speeds in the world! On top of this, it also has the fastest and most accessible free Wi-Fi networks on the planet! 93% of the population use the internet, and with free access on transportation, city centres and other public areas, its not a surprise.

7. Family Names

In most countries the variety of surnames is incredible. While there are more popular ones (Smith, Jones etc), in Korea you will only come across a handful of surnames regularly with Kim being the most popular. Nearly 20% of the population have the surname Kim which equates to nearly 10 million people!

 And as always have a chilled day 
