App Review Friday: Feel The Noise

hello ladies and gents its APP REVIEW FRIDAY still the reigning champion of this blog of mine (pssst look out at the new view counter). Okiedokie back to the app that we are reviewing today which is


This game is relatively new well it hasent been out long that i know of anyway. Im just going to state right now that its a last day on earth reskin but a decent one the game revolves around you building  a house and protecting it from the medeval undead which includes many things to kill aka gouls lepers and the like and the "Scary unwelcome guest" which looks damn invunerable to me.

Lets start with the basics aka the house. The first thing you need to do is scronge around for wood and stone to make a axe and pick to cut trees and break up rocks. More the wood then the rock.I surgest you start of with a 3x3 house with 2 doors you never know when you want to expand . On your land try to start in the middle because as you expand you want to really protect your chest room which is the most important room. 
I surgest after that you make a garden in which you will grow leeks and i surgest you protect them because even though meat is easy to find and kill aka from deer and wolves which you will find in the world and in your backyard. Once you have exhasted the resources on your land i surgest you walk over to the nearest land by walking off the map then you will be shown the world map.

At the world map you will see a world and the main resources places maked by skulls depending on the amount of skulls aka the more the harder the mobs will be to fight. So start of with the single skull  because you will die often and i mean very often so get used to it aka only wear armour if your are going to a 2 skull or more because its not worth it otherwise,

With water production which you will need because this is a survival game after all . Level up quick and unlock the water catcher its the easiest way to get the water. Apart from that you canfind it in loot packages in the skull areas which are genrally protected so beware and bring a weapon with a 20+ damage or get used to bringing alot of food. The quickest way is berries collect them by the 20 because they are the quickest way.

Keep everything that you have found because you have no idea when it will come in handy from nails to spoons. Everything has its uses eventually. What sets this game out from the rest is the theme which means cripts and castles which are always interesting and the tresure maps and the scrolls which you find which are a nice read while you are waiting for you to arrive.

This game even though its a clone it actually made me go back to the original and play that too its a great game that with just a few tweaks could be excelent. As always have a chilled day from the Viking.
